Peter should have all of Sylar's powers. His power absorption is totally passive and he's used the telekenesis a few times: on the roof to stop Claude's attack while traiining as well as to stop the taser prongs from HRG (coincidentally also on the roof). He obtained Sylar's powers (for the first time) when they fought at Claire's school. He also instantly grabbed Claire's powers when he first met her in the hall - he had no idea what her power was nor that he had absorbed it until after he fell off the wall and suffered what should have been a fatal landing.
I'd have to watch the scene again, but DL looked shot. I'm pretty sure he was bleeding. He should be able to drop the bullet out of his body of course, but I don't know about the healing. He should have had Linderman heal him before killing him.

Keep in mind that some portions of the "Next on Heroes..." may include clips of the current episode. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen this.
But I'm glad you guys noticed the apparent plot hole. If DL dies that means Sylar can't get his power. But currently the present developments are all falling in line with the history explained in the future episode - down to Ando following what's written in the comic. He's supposed to die attacking Sylar and he knows it.
I loved the scenes with George Takai. I was wondering if they'd bring him back in this season. One can assume that while he was once part of the organization, Linderman lost his way since then. Though I'm sure Linderman's vision for the future is not what we saw in the future episode. He's dead in that future and Sylar is posing as Nathan, so we can expect it's a complete 180 from what Linderman (and Mrs. Petrelli) have in mind.
With regards to pacing of the May 15th episode, I can't complain. Felt right to me. Now if you want bad pacing and the worst episode yet of the season, you need look no further than 24. Uuuugh. 1 episode left of each - next Monday.